How To Choose A Good Virtual Assistant Company Philippines


If you are looking for a good virtual assistant company Philippines to help you handle mundane tasks in your business, you need to know how to make the right choice from the options that are available. While it may be tempting to jump in quickly and choose the first VA company you come across, it really pays to do your homework, understand the options and choose carefully. The following are some steps you should take in order to choose a VA company that will not let you down.

First of all, you will need to decide whether you are comfortable working with onshore or offshore virtual assistant companies. The virtual assistant world is broken down into onshore versus offshore. Onshore virtual assistants are those that are located in your country. They work in your time zone, speak your language natively, and understand the cultural nuances – the timeliness, work ethic, and other factors you expect from your VA.

On the other hand, offshore virtual assistants are based abroad often in developing nations such as India, the Philippines, or in Latin America. These virtual assistants speak English, but their language skills often hover around 75 to 90% fluency: perfectly adequate for every day, interoffice communications, but may not be appropriate for speaking with clients, answering emails, and developing other company communications that clients will see.

You will also need to decide between task-based assistance and dedicated assistants. Most virtual assistant companies offer either dedicated assistants or task-based help, while a few companies offering both services. Task-based assistance is impersonal, but cheaper. However, it can be challenging to get consistency when you never know who will be working on your task.

Working with a dedicated assistant, on the other hand means that you will work with the same assistant every day, which gives you the chance to train your virtual assistant understand your company’s personality, guidelines and other important elements. This model usually requires you to purchase a monthly package of set daily/weekly hours, so the turnaround time is fast.

For more tips on how to choose a good virtual assistant company Philippines, visit our website at


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